Extend the Day envisions a world where no child is denied an education or opportunities because they do not have access to light
Stories from the field
So excited to be heading back to the Rohingya Refugee Camps in southern Bangladesh to distribute 3,500 more solar lights to families in desperate need! A huge thank you to our sponsors, APSystems and 9Point9Construction and our amazing partners Spreeha Bangladesh!
Our latest light distribution to the Rohingya Refugee camps in southern Bangledesh
Executive Director, Jo Lonseth explaining our mission
We work with locally run and operated non-profits in the areas of need. This allows us to be culturally sensitive and have the ability to monitor the lights.
This simple solar light will help children in disadvantaged countries to improve their future through education!
Sponsorship News
We are so excited to announce our latest sponsorship. Solaris Global and Fracht USA have teamed together to look after our shipping of the lights! Shipping has been a huge barrier to sending out more lights and reaching more children! So a huge thank you to both these generous and giving companies for their support and donation! It was because of their hard work and dedication that we were able to send 3,500 solar lights to the Rohingya Refugee camps in Southern Bangladesh. 3,500 people have access to safe clean lights now thanks to the support and shipping abilities of Solaris Global and Fracht USA!